
Yellowstone Park Ranger Tries to Retrieve Hat From Geyser With Fishing Rod

A park ranger in Yellowstone National Park was seen using a fishing rod to try to retrieve a hat that flew off a member of a tour group into the Excelsior Geyser, according to a local tour guide.

Darcy Lagana, a tour guide from Yellowstone Teton Tours, captured this footage and posted it on Facebook on August 31.

“I was guiding a tour in Yellowstone and I had just told my clients to hold onto their hats because when they fly into a geyser it becomes a problem. Then we came upon this,” Lagana told Storyful. Credit: Yellowstone Teton Tours via Storyful

Video transcript

- He's getting the hat out.

- Oh.


- He's getting the hat out.

- Oh.