
Footballer accidentally flashes millions on live TV

Footballer accidentally flashes millions on live TV

Fox Sports in America decided to televise Liverpool's FA Cup third round match against AFC Wimbledon - but viewers got more than they bargained for.

While the BBC got viewers warmed up with the chirpy humour of Gary Lineker and expert views of Danny Murphy, Fox Sports got the football-loving public excited in a very different way by accidentally showing a nude man in the Wimbledon changing room.

We're not entirely sure which player it was, but we're pretty sure that it wasn't meant to happen.

Or was it? It's a bit odd that a player was walking around with nothing on having apparently had a pre-match shower.

Maybe he wanted to smell nice in case he got to swap shirts with Steven Gerrard, but maybe there was a bit of cheek at work, in more ways than one... especially when you consider (a) Wimbledon's reputation for practical jokes; (b) the fact that they'll have known full well where the camera was; and (c) that the players will have been well aware that US TV is notoriously prudish, and that this match was being broadcast in the early afternoon US time.

All in good fun if any of that happened to be the case, and it actually makes us wish even more that the home side had won.

Sadly for all neutrals, AFC Wimbledon didn't pull off a shock result against the Reds - but at least US viewers had that glimpse of bum to remember the match by.

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