
The best ads of Super Bowl 50

For some people, the ads during the Super Bowl are more enjoyable to watch than the actual game.

We're not those people but if you are, we've picked the best commercials set to steal the spotlight at Super Bowl 50.

CLASSICS: Greatest games in Super Bowl history

COUNTDOWN: Greatest Super Bowl ads of all time

From Victoria's Secret Angels showing the players how it's done, a 'hangry' Marilyn Monroe and something called a Puppy Monkey Baby, enjoy:

Mountain Dew | Puppy Monkey Baby

Snickers | Marilyn

Bud Light | The Bud Light Party

Heinz | Meet the Ketchups

Super Bowl babies

Audi | Commander

Skittles | The Portrait

LG | Man from the future

Oh, and here's one you won't be seeing: