
Uproar over 'disgraceful' act during Olympics wrestling match

Kumar Ravi (pictured right) after a match at the Olympics and (pictured left) his opponent Nurislam Sanayev biting him during the match.
Kumar Ravi (pictured right) defeated his opponent despite Nurislam Sanayev (pictured left) biting him during the match. (Getty Images)

Indian finalist Ravi Dahiya stunned the nation after come-from-behind victory in his wrestling semi-final, but he also came away with an ugly mark after a poor moment from his opponent.

Dahiya made the final of the 53kg category in Tokyo, but many have called for the Olympics to take action against his opponent in the semi-final for biting him as he was getting pinned.

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The Indian wrestler found himself 9-2 down against Kazakhstan’s Nurislam Sanayev in the freestyle bantamweight semi-finals but turned things around late in the second period to secure victory by fall.

However, images showed Dahiya on top, pinning Sanayev, before his rival was captured taking a bite of his right arm.

The Indian star bravely endured the bite as he held the pin for the win.

Dahiya emerged from the pin and showed the official the mark, but it was quickly dismissed.

The Indian star put it behind as he had his arm raised, despite an ugly mark on his right bicep.

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Fans were less than impressed with Sanayev's underhanded tactics.

The Indian will take on twice world champion Zavur Uguev in the gold medal bout after the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC)wrestler beat Iran’s Reza Atri 8-3.

However, Dahiya's compatriot Deepak Punia was no match for 2018 world champion David Taylor of the United States, who scored with a series of turns to win the freestyle middleweight semi-final 10-0 in the first period.

with Reuters

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