
Why is Cam Newton dressed as the Monopoly man?

Look, Cam Newton plays football at a level the rest of us mere mortals can’t even understand. And maybe his fashion game is the same way, too, because the only other alternative is that his fashion sense is that of a caffeine-hyped toddler cut loose in a thrift store.

After today's loss to the Vikings, Newton appeared to the press wearing a Monopoly man hat and Harry Potter specs, because of course he did.

This runs right in line with his attire of the entire season, from last week’s barbershop quartet:

Quarterback or monorail salesman? Source: Yahoo
Quarterback or monorail salesman? Source: Yahoo

…to Week 1’s restrained-by-comparison cool college professor:

What class is he teaching? Source: Yahoo
What class is he teaching? Source: Yahoo

This looks like it’ll be a recurring feature, so we’ll update all season. This ought to be fun.

In the meantime, Twitter is going to get all these jokes off.

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