
Nathan Lyon spills on wife's funny reaction after cricket promo jumps the gun

The Channel 7 ad had the Aussie cricketer's wife thinking he hadn't told her something important.

Nathan Lyon and wife Emma.
Nathan Lyon's wife thought he was hiding something from her. Image: Getty

Nathan Lyon has revealed how a Channel 7 promo for the upcoming Aussie summer of cricket sparked an awkward question from his wife about his retirement plans. The ad, which was released last month, declares that the Test summer might be the last time fans get to see Lyon, David Warner, Usman Khawaja and Steve Smith all playing together.

While Warner will hang up the boots after the third Test of the summer at the SCG, the futures of Lyon, Khawaja and Smith are still up in the air. Khawaja has previously revealed that he won't retire at the same time as Warner as he doesn't want to leave the Test side searching for two new openers.

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Smith has sparked speculation about his retirement a number of times over the last 12 months, but this summer probably won't be his last. And as for Lyon, he previously said he has absolutely no plans to hang up the boots just yet and is even eyeing the 2027 Ashes series in England.

“I was very surprised,” Lyon told the Sydney Morning Herald about the promo suggesting this summer would be hist last. “Emma, my wife, said ‘have you got something to tell me’, to which I said ‘no’. So I couldn’t believe it, but it’s only promo stuff. I’ve definitely reset some goals and changed the finish line."

Nathan Lyon 'hungrier than ever' after Ashes injury

Lyon suffered a brutal calf injury in the second Ashes Test earlier this year and was ruled out for the remainder of the series. He recently made his return in domestic cricket for NSW, and previously said he's hungrier than ever to keep playing for his country.

He even went as far as to say he hasn't ruled out playing in the next Ashes series in England in 2027. “I tell you one thing, I’m definitely not joking about going back to (the) Ashes,” he told SEN radio. “I feel like having this injury, coming home and watching the guys play the three Test matches has really driven me to get back there and make sure I’m back playing cricket.

Nathan Lyon in the Sheffield Shield.
Nathan Lyon made his return for NSW in the Sheffield Shield. (Photo by Morgan Hancock/Getty Images)

“My hunger for the game has probably gone to a new level, this has allowed me to have a little bit more time off during my rehab, sit back, reflect and reset some goals and find a really decent purpose for me. I’m definitely not writing off going back to England for the Ashes… the finish line for me hasn’t even popped up in my eyesight yet, I’ve still got a lot of cricket left in me in my eyes and a lot to offer the Renegades (in the BBL), NSW cricket but also Australia.”

He told the SMH this week: “When I came home I struggled a fair bit watching the guys in the last three games, just mentally. Seeing them and how the games were going and knowing you could potentially play a massive role in being the difference.

“But being at home, watching the AFL grand final, the NRL grand final, allowing me to refresh and rehab … made me hungrier than ever before to get back. Watching those finals, seeing the jubilation of the celebrations and the heartbreak of the guys who’d lost, it just reignited a little flame inside and made it burn a lot brighter.”

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