
How Lakers targeting Dan Hurley shakes up NBA coaching landscape

Yahoo Sports Senior NBA reporter Jake Fischer examines the impact on various head coaching candidates as Los Angeles shifts focus to the two-time reigning national championship coach from UConn.

Video transcript

The Los Angeles Lakers are now targeting uconn head coach Dan Hurley to be the next leader of the Lakers sidelines.

A source confirmed to Yahoo Sports this morning, Thursday, the morning of game one of the NBA finals that has JJ Reddick calling games alongside Mike Breen and Doris Burke and the Lakers extended search was originally expected to extend beyond the finals with the consideration that JJ Reddick was the leading candidate for this job all of a sudden early's introduction into this search.

It really took the entire NBA particularly the coaching industry by surprise this week and the ripple effects will be wide, you know, James Borrego, a candidate for this job is still a candidate in Cleveland and and could be a name in Detroit as well if the Pistons ultimately move on for Monty Williams, and this would leave JJ Reddick still with ESPN and still a leading candidate to be a first time head coach in foreseeable coaching cycles after he first interviewed with the Toronto Raptors a year ago and then the Charlotte Hornets this spring as well.