
High school baseball player takes foul ball right in the groin

High school baseball player takes foul ball right in the groin

Dan O’Reilly is a junior at Sibley High School in St. Paul, Minnesota and he recently had the unfortunate experience of taking a foul ball in the one place in which men hate most to be hit.

O’Reilly was at bat in a game against South St. Paul when he swung at a pitch fouling it into his groin area. He immediately dropped his bat, grabbed the injured area, squatted, threw his batting helmet on the ground and eventually laid down all in an effort to do something about the awful pain he must have been feeling.

But O’Reilly deserves credit for gritting his teeth and fighting through the pain. He eventually got back to his feet and began to walk back toward the batter’s box giving a dab along the way as a sign he was going to live through this particularly harsh shot to a sensitive spot.

Lesson learned. If you get hit in the groin, just dab it off.

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