
Gordon Hayward's wife made him stop gaming during a Twitch stream

Gordon Hayward may be a professional athlete, but he still has to stop playing video games when his wife tells him to. (Photo by Adam Glanzman/Getty Images)
Gordon Hayward may be a professional athlete, but he still has to stop playing video games when his wife tells him to. (Photo by Adam Glanzman/Getty Images)

If you have a loved one who likes to play video games, chances are you’ve told them once, twice, or perhaps a zillion times to shut it down so you can do normal life things. Things like eating dinner, putting the kids to bed, or having a two-minute face-to-face conversation. And like clockwork, they say “just one more level?”

Robyn Hayward, the wife of the Boston Celtics’ Gordon Hayward, feels your pain. On Tuesday, Gordon was playing “Apex Legends” with several people on a Twitch stream when he asked Robyn if he had “time for one more.”

Robyn, who was within range of his microphone, answered with a firm and slightly exasperated “no, no you don’t have time.” You can hear the whole exchange starting at the eight-second mark of this video.

To his credit, Hayward didn’t question it or try to bargain for more time. He said goodbye to his fellow streamers and logged off. But near the end of the clip, after the goodbyes, you can just barely hear Robyn say something that may sound familiar to anyone with a video game-obsessed loved one.

It’s hard to make out exactly what she said, but it sounded like “I’m sitting here watching you play video games. How pathetic is my life?”

Robyn got so many negative comments about her video game stoppage (and her “how pathetic is my life?” comment) that she had to post a video responding to it. She explained that there was no time for any more video games because they had to go to Hayward’s workout, and she assured everyone that she was just joking about her “pathetic” life.

Professional athletes may have incredible talent and lots of money, but their lives are just like everyone else’s in so very many ways. Even they have to stop playing video games when their spouse tells them to.

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