
Fortnite’s Epic Games Leads Record $5.7 Billion Year for Gaming Investments in 2018

Fortnite, Epic Games
Fortnite, Epic Games

Game company investments, into market leaders like Epic Games, doubled an already record figure for gaming investments in 2017. Epic Games, developer of Fortnite – the world’s most popular videogame – saw the greatest single investment in 2018 of $1.25 billion.

Epic Games $1.25 Billion Funding Round is the Largest non-IPO Gaming Investment Ever

A first-quarter 2019 report from Digi-Capital, as reported by VentureBeat confirmed the latest industry statistics. Gaming investments reached $5.7 billion in 2018. Double the record figure for 2017.

Epic Games, riding on the global success of online-game Fortnite, led by raising $1.25 billion from investors. Epic’s huge injection is not only the largest non-IPO gaming investment it is the second-largest amount raised by a gaming company ever.

South Korea’s Netmarble Games raised $2.3 billion in its IPO in 2017. The mobile game maker’s public listing was the country’s second-largest ever.

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