
'You can kick their balls': Politician's awkward virus speech

Nassau County Executive Laura Curran talking at a press conference.
Nassau County Executive Laura Curran had everyone in stitches when talking about 'tennis balls' and tennis protocols during the coronavirus pandemic. (Getty Images)

A New York politician’s message on playing tennis during the coronavirus pandemic went completely wrong as she brought out the inner child for those in attendance.

Nassau County Executive Laura Curran was explaining the protocols that needed to be followed when playing tennis as social distancing laws were slightly relaxed.

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Some of these included kicking tennis balls back to the opponent instead of handling them.

But the way the message was delivered even had the police officers in fits of laughter.

“Every player unless they are from the same household has to bring their own tennis balls so that you don’t touch other people’s tennis balls with your hands,” she said.

“You can kick their balls but you can’t touch them.

“I’m going to blush, sorry. Of course, if you’re playing with someone in your household you can touch those tennis balls,” she said, which prompted the police officers to vacate the camera shot because they w ere laughing underneath their masks.

After a moment, Curran continued with the message.

“To avoid confusion between whose balls are whose, you can use a marker like a sharpie to mark out an X or put someone’s initials on them.”

Fortunately, the message was received and some people could have a laugh on social media.