
Cyclist's epic superman overtaking stunt

An Italian cyclist has brought new meaning to the term 'flying downhill' with an outrageous superman-style overtaking manoeuvre.

Footage of Michael Guerra's epic stunt was posted on social media, and it shows the daredevil cyclist lying flat on his bike seat while gunning it past several competitors.

By unclipping his feet from the pedals, the Italian is able to lie prone on the bike, shifting more of his weight onto the handlebars in order to hit greater speeds.

The unorthodox and outlandish trick works a treat as Guerra reels in the riders in front of him one by one.

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Pic: Youtube
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Pic: Youtube

While he may not be 'faster than a speeding bullet,' the Italian proves more than a match for a motorbike rider, who he also overtakes with effortless class.