
21 New Products That Were Major Game-Changers When They Came Out But Are Full-On Obsolete Today

Life moves quickly. The same can be said for technological advances in society. Your dad's breakthrough product is your child's obsolete trinket.

Man examines advanced graphics
Weiquan Lin / Getty Images

Here are 21 products that were groundbreaking at the time but are now obsolete:

1.Paper roadmaps

person sits in parked car, looking at a road map

2.Wristwatches (and analog clocks)

person sets their wrist watch


time shown on a pager

4.Public telephones

woman in a public telephone booth

5."Dumb" phones

an old cellular telephone

6.Landline phones (at home)

a woman talks on a corded phone

7.Overhead projectors

an overhead projector in a classroom

8.Arcade games

hand on an arcade joystick


man reads though phonebook with a telephone on the table


a row of encyclopedias


a typewriter types the words "the end"

12.Cassette tape players

hand inserts a cassette tape into a player

As a replacement for vinyl, cassettes were groundbreaking for listening to your specific song choices on the go. "Batteries not included."

They were outmoded by: CDs.

Less messy, and no need to rewind. Cassettes stood no chance.

Oscar Sánchez Photography / Getty Images


woman carries boombox on her shoulder

14.Apple iPod

iPod Nano

15.Fax machines

person types on fax machine

16.VHS tapes and VCRs

vhs player and videotapes

17.DVDs and Blu-Ray

Blu-ray and DVD player

18.Portable TVs

woman watches portable tv outside

19.Polaroid instant cameras

child holds a polaroid camera

20.Blackberry keyboard

a Blackberry phone keyboard on a table

21.And lastly, all those floppy disks!

someone holds a floppy disk

Were you alive to utilize these groundbreaking products? How many? Comment below!