
I run a global company and have a newborn baby: My 14 habits for ‘hyper success’

Finder co-founder Fred Schebesta. (Source: Supplied)
Finder co-founder Fred Schebesta. (Source: Supplied)

I’ve been on a journey for hyper success for the past six years and I’ve picked up many habits that have transformed my life. With a newborn at home and running a global business, Finder, I’m finding these habits make it much easier and I’m a lot more calm.

I set a personal goal of hyper success because it has a limitless level of success and it’s the person that I want to be.

More from Fred Schebesta:

It's to create a legacy for myself and my family, and make an impact on people’s lives and create wealth for lots of people as well.

I’ve found 14 habits that I do every day that give me this level of performance and I want to share them with you.

These optimisations are not immediately logical and apparent. They're not easy to see. Not everyone can do these. It's not for everyone. They are the ones that you need to do in order to optimise for that kind of level of success.

1. Calendar ruthlessness

This is about creating space for thinking time. Shorten meeting times. My default meeting time is 25 minutes. Go through your calendar and close down meetings that aren’t necessary. Can you combine meetings together? Do you need certain meetings?

2. Say “no” to a lot of things

Be very careful what you say “yes” to. And more often than not, you should probably be saying “no” to more things rather than “yes”. This will help give you sharp laser focus on the things that matter.

3. Establish systems and processes

Create systems and processes that speed up efficiencies. You will spend less time doing unproductive things that don't deliver to your ultimate success.

4. Run a house like a business

There needs to be a leader of the home, and set established roles of what everyone's doing and how it operates, including timelines, schedules and financials. Roles can rotate. Hold regular family meetings to communicate about all sorts of things and bring up any issues. That way everyone's very clear. You can use these meetings to discuss or review bringing in people that are working in the home, such as cleaning and maintenance. Go through each area of the home such as laundry, mail, deliveries, rubbish collection, recycling, food.

5. Get hyper effective at delegation

You can’t do everything by yourself. If you want to leverage your time, you need to learn to delegate and be really effective in that delegation as well. The first step to enable yourself to feel comfortable with delegation is to write down your expectations and be extraordinarily clear and upfront.

6. Hire insanely great people that don’t need any hand holding at all

I prefer working with people who are really independent and proactive strategists. They are super autonomous but they are also team players. They use initiative and are problem solvers. These people are inspirational and lift up everyone around them to do better.

7. Choose a great partner

You need to have a partnership where you're supporting each other and sharing the same values. Radical transparency in your communication and that delivers on honesty. And a shared vision of your goals in the future.

8. I only have great friends

Surround yourself only with positive people that add to your life. They challenge you, they hold you accountable to your own personal goals. They contribute to your life and bring in an “X Factor” and a perspective. They're always unconditionally there for you. They give back and invest into the relationship and it grows over time to become hyper powerful.

9. I say yes to little wins

Sometimes I like to just aim for little wins. Little wins drive motivation, and they build momentum. And that's what will help your teams to stay on course. But one of the challenges is being comfortable with that rather than just focusing on the big goals.

10. I take naps whenever possible

They can be between 10 minutes to 45 minutes, depending on how tired I am. It's the nature of being an entrepreneur. You go on these journeys, you're always waking up at night, and you have all these ideas. How do you manage and deal with that? It’s about looking after yourself and being able to keep up with everything.

11. Hang out with smart people

Smart people will basically drive you to challenge your ideas and come up with even better ideas, which is really cool. Really smart people are often very successful and they drive you to a higher level. They unlock ideas for you and you start to mimic their modalities of life and how they operate as well.

12. I eat comfort food as my treat

It's essentially identifying a more sustainable way of getting dopamine. Dopamine can come from alcohol and drugs, whereas I don't use them. I use a more sustainable one, which is comfort food, and very varying degrees of quality in that. But it's a way in which I can get a little energy and I just feel good about it.

13. I don’t drink or smoke anymore

By consciously deciding to give these things up, it builds momentum towards stronger will power and a healthier lifestyle. It's a simple thing that I've stopped doing because it doesn't serve me any purpose.

14. Exercise at least once a week

One of the benefits I get from exercise is to spend some time by myself. That's my thinking time. I also like to have a meal by myself and I enjoy driving on my own too. It’s when I can stop and reflect on things.

Fred Schebesta is a founder of global comparison website and money app Finder, and has launched an online course to help people reach hyper success by starting their own business.

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